Discover "Living in The Moment Mini" by Sophia Buddenhagen, a unique 4"x6" piece that captures the carefree spirit of a surfer girl against an abstract backdrop. Crafted from quality matte paper, it's perfect for small spaces or as a gift. Infused with surf culture, nature, and travel, this mini celebrates living life fully. Elevate your decor with this one-of-a-kind SoBudd Designs piece reflecting Sophia's vibrant art.
Living in The Moment Mini
All minis are 4"x6" with a white border to allow room for matting and framing if desired. These are seriously the perfect addition to any gift!
These 4"x6" Mini Prints can be a versatile addition to any space, whether you're looking to enhance a cozy nook or elevate a gallery wall. Here’s how you can decorate with it:
Desk or Workspace: Place the mini print in a small frame and display it on your desk or workspace to inspire calm and focus throughout the day.
Gallery Wall: Pair this print with other art pieces in a modern or minimalist style. It’s the perfect size to complement larger artwork, adding balance and a touch of serenity to the overall design.
Gift or Personal Note: Tuck it into a card for a thoughtful gift or write a personalized note on the back. This mini print makes a meaningful addition to birthdays, celebrations, or moments of support.
Floating Shelf or Mantel: Display it on a small floating shelf or mantel for a subtle pop of color and inspiration. Its compact size makes it ideal for showcasing without overwhelming the space.
Mix and Match Multiple Minis for a Gallery Wall look in a small space.